小白兔与大乌龟,Paper Marriage,过埠新娘...
Coffin Homes,鬼同你住...
Crocodile Hunter,Expert at Fishing for Big Crocodiles,专钓大鳄 專釣大鱷...
Perfect Wife?!,专撬墙脚...
Chasing Girls,追女仔...
狼兄虎弟,Don’t kill me, brother!,无毒不丈夫 無毒不丈夫...
Xiong mao / Evil Cat...
Vengeance Is Mine,血衣天使...
Love Me and My Dad,又见冤家 又見冤家...
Dreadnaught,勇者无惧 勇者無懼...
It’s a Drink! It’s a Bomb!,汽水炸弹,圣诞奇遇结良缘...
妙婿向钱冲,Easy Money,通天大盗 通天大盜...
The Sensational Pair,同闯歌坛 叔侄·縮窒...
Life and Death,生死线 生死線...
A Family Affair,全家福...