Ori okeanis saidumloeba,le mystere des deux oceans,海底擒谍 ТАЙНА ДВУХ ОКЕАНОВ...
海宫艳盗 Against All Flags1952,海宫艳盗 Against All Flags...
Go Fish!海底歷險記(台),海底历险记 Go Fish...
郁金香芳芳,勇士的奇遇,花开骑士 Fanfan la Tulipe...
Striped Trip,运虎记 Полосатый рейс...
暗堡里的三恶人,武士勤王记,The Hidden Fortress,战国英豪 隠し砦の三悪人...
Alarm in the Danube Delta,多瑙河三角洲的警报 Alarmă în deltă...
The Cave of the Silken Web,盘丝洞 盤絲洞...
Desert Commandos,沙漠突击队 Attentato ai tre grandi...
The Troops of St. Tropez,圣特鲁佩斯的警察 Le gendarme de Saint-Tropez...
三级十字勋章,双重特工 Triple Cross...
The Prospector,Make Explorations,探秘者...
七海雄师(港),海底肉弹(台),紧急下潜 Crash Dive...
铁金刚横扫皇家赌场,皇家夜总会,皇家赌场,铁金刚勇破皇家夜总会,007别传之皇家夜总会 Casino Royale...
Alice au pays des merveilles,爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland...
亡命七金刚(港),大侵略(台),肮脏游戏 Play Dirty...
月宫宝盒,巴格达大盗,巴格达窃贼,巴格达的盗贼,巴格达妙贼 The Thief of Bagdad...
Master Swordsman,宫本武藏 宮本武蔵...