超人:挣脱束缚,超人:解放 Superman: Unbound...
观光客出没,注意!(台),观光客 Sightseers...
猛虎英雄传,猛虎传奇,代号猛虎行动 Ek Tha Tiger...
海贼天团3D(台),海盗王之超级无敌大作战(港),情迷海盗船,海盗大作战,The Pirates! Band of Misfits,神奇海盗团 The Pirates! In an Adventure with Scientists!...
夜煞的礼物,驯龙高手番外篇:龙的礼物 Dragons: Gift of the Night Fury...
诺亚方舟大冒险,反转方舟动物团(港),Two by Two: Overboard!,诺亚方舟漂流记2 Ooops! The Adventure Continues...
长发公主,长发姑娘,莴苣公主,缠结,魔发奇缘 Tangled...
森美海底历险(港),小海龟大历险,Sammy’ s Adventure: The Secret Passage,萨米大冒险 Le Voyage extraordinaire de Samy...
粗野少年族3:吸血狂魔,捉鬼小精灵3 Lost Boys: The Thirst...
小叮当:夏日风暴,奇妙仙子:拯救精灵大作战(台),奇妙仙子:夏日风暴,廷克·贝尔:拯救精灵大作战,廷克·贝尔:夏日风暴,奇妙仙子:仙子拯救大行动,Tinker.Bell.Ein.Sommer.voller.Abenteuer,小叮当:拯救精灵大作战 Tinker Bell and the Great Fairy Rescue...
深入绝地(台),魔洞,暗袭,魔窟,黑暗侵袭 The Descent...
机战未来,智能杀机,绝密飞行 Stealth...
魔窟枭雄(港),慕理小镇 Moonfleet...
西北边境,Flame Over India,Empress of India,Northwest Frontier,西北前线 North West Frontier...
灵犬莱西历险记,战火历险记 Courage of Lassie...
十二把椅子,12把椅子 The Twelve Chairs...
超级情报员麦汉之二,超级情报员麦汉续集 Murderers' Row...
War-Gods of the Deep,The City Under the Sea,海底城市 War-Gods of the Deep...
The Abominable Snowman of the Himalayas,可恶的雪人,极地战将 The Abominable Snowman...