麦兜故事麦兜的故事 / My Life as McDull...
亚李·爸爸两个大盗粤语A Lee Ang Ang Leung Goh Daai Diy...
夜半无人尸语时Step Into the Dark...
情意拳拳Nothing Is Impossible...
两小无知Sealed with a Kiss...
男歌女唱Let's Sing Along...
僵尸福星仔尸王争霸 / Vampire kids...
绝世宝贝国语绝世好BOEY / 绝世好B / Mighty Baby...
港督最后一个保镖非常大保镖 / Bodyguards of Last Governor...
疯狂粉丝王甜心粉丝王 / Super Fans...
煎酿三宝煎炸三宝 / 煎酿三宝垄 / Three of a Kind...
鬼打鬼之黄金道士鬼打鬼之灵幻天师 / 捉鬼罗汉 / Mad Mad Ghost...
黑金之王借黑钱 / Money Laundry...
低一点的天空Dai yat dim dik tin hung / Happy Go Lucky...
飞侠小白龙粤语小白龙情海翻波 / The White Dragon...
百分百感觉2Feel 100% Part II / Feel 100% II...