Le marin des montagnes,Mariner of the Mountains,群山水手 Marinheiro das Montanhas...
The Great Robbery of Brazil’s Central Bank,巴西央行大劫案 Hei$t: The Great Robbery of Brazil's Central Bank...
行星海洋,海洋宇宙,海洋星球 Planet Ocean...
球王比利与巴西(港),球王贝利:巴西足球传奇 Pelé...
鸟是海与树的孩子(台),The Metamorphosis of Birds,鸟类变形记 A Metamorfose dos Pássaros...
Emicida: AmarElo - É Tudo Pra Ontem,埃米西达:黄色 献给昨日 Emicida: AmarElo - It's All for Yesterday...
All or Nothing: Brazil National Team,All or Nothing: Brazilian National Football Team,孤注一掷:巴西国家队 All or Nothing: Brazil National Team...
四号公民,第四公民 Citizenfour...
极速传奇:冼拿(港) / 车神洗拿(台) / 车神塞纳 / 塞纳...
探访‧回忆与告白(港),Visit or Memories and Confessions,Memories and Confessions,访问:记忆与告白 Visita ou Memórias e Confissões...
If I Were Luísa Sonza,如果我是路易莎·松莎 Se eu fosse Luísa Sonza...
Portraits fantômes,Pictures of Ghosts,幽灵肖像 Retratos Fantasmas...
A Life Too Short: The Isabella Nardoni Case,来不及盛开的花:巴西女童坠楼案 Isabella: O Caso Nardoni...
From Dreams to Tragedy: The Fire that Shook Brazilian Football2024,From Dreams to Tragedy: The Fire that Shook Brazilian Football...