噴火龍(台),喷火龙 Dragon Fury...
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A Night in the Cabin,林屋惊魂 The Cabin...
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近身 They Reach2020,近身 They Reach...
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小心背后,小心身后 Behind You...
野兽的黎明 Dawn of the Beast2021,野兽的黎明 Dawn of the Beast...
月光光新慌慌:万圣杀(台),月光光心慌慌:万圣节杀戮,万圣节杀戮,月光光殺清光(港),月光光心慌慌:杀戮 Halloween Kills...
僵尸猎手 Zombie Hunter2005,僵尸猎手 Zombie Hunter...
恶邻诡屋(台),善与恶的房子 House of Good and Evil...