恶魔,驱魔禁区(台),恶灵 Demonic...
The Scary House,The Strange House,诡秘阴宅 Das schaurige Haus...
A Night in the Cabin,林屋惊魂 The Cabin...
恐惧街1:1994,恐惧大街1:1994,Fear Street Part One: 1994,Fear Street Part 1: 1994,恐惧街 Fear Street...
近身 They Reach2020,近身 They Reach...
入魔(台),我们的女巫手册(港),魔女游戏:遗产,新魔女游戏,魔女游戏 The Craft: Legacy...
小心背后,小心身后 Behind You...
野兽的黎明 Dawn of the Beast2021,野兽的黎明 Dawn of the Beast...
臆想魔友 Z2019,臆想魔友 Z...
月光光新慌慌:万圣杀(台),月光光心慌慌:万圣节杀戮,万圣节杀戮,月光光殺清光(港),月光光心慌慌:杀戮 Halloween Kills...
鬼把戏(台),The Harness,危险警告 Caveat...
孽欲之殇 Zid2014,孽欲之殇 Zid...
抽尸剥茧(台),Cut Off,孤立 Abgeschnitten...
野猪 Boar2017,野猪 Boar...
僵尸猎手 Zombie Hunter2005,僵尸猎手 Zombie Hunter...
Krai Thong 2,The Legend of the Crocodile 2,鳄妻2 ไกรทอง 2...
恶邻诡屋(台),善与恶的房子 House of Good and Evil...
召唤之物 The Summoned2022,召唤之物 The Summoned...
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